Case Management

Sure Steps Childrens Physiotherapists are experienced working with children with complex needs. We can ensure every child will receive high quality care.

Case management.

We are experienced working with children with complex needs and can ensure every child will receive high quality care. We pride ourselves in our excellent communication and timely responses. We believe in joint working with clients, families, carers, case managers, therapists and others, to provide a holistic care plan.


Upon appointment, our therapists will provide a full assessment and report of findings and recommendations. Assessment will include a full posture assessment and time with the client, family and carers to establish goals and aspirations for the future. ​


We are committed to providing effective and efficient communication. We provide timely responses to case managers, families and carers.


We work to provide individual treatment programmes which may include use of equipment, hydrotherapy and therapeutic handling to promote development. After the initial assessment we will provide an outline of recommended treatment. Our sessions always include an element of education for parents and carers.

We believe therapy is a 24 hour approach and aim to find simple ways for physiotherapy to be carried out functionally throughout the day. We are experienced in carrying out joint sessions with other therapists to provide a collaborative approach to care.

Our therapists are experienced in carrying out assessments to monitor posture. We will monitor posture and review range of movement every 8-12 weeks.

Lyndsey Davenport: 07738 685 933  |  Alice McEvoy: 07584 284 672